I Love You Korbyn Lee Hopwood

No one else will ever know the strength of my Love for you;
After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
-Love Mommy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nap Time in My New Bed!!

Since the day Korbyn and I came home from the hospital he has slept in my bed with me. I know everyone says its such a horrible habit and that i'll never get him out of my bed but i beg to differ. I dont think its such a horrible thing and i think its actually pretty healthy for a baby. When twins or multiples arent doing so good after birth they put them in the same incubator together and they strive because they have need that contact and connection with another person. I think it makes me feel better as a mom to know what he is doing all night long and gives us some extra bonding time since i wasnt able to breastfeed as well.

Now that he is a little older im going to start transitioning him into his crib in his own room. We put his crib up a few weekends ago and im just starting to lay him in there when he takes his naps. At first he would wake up as soon as i put him down. Then he got a little better and slept as long as the music on his fishy crib toy was playing. As soon as the music stopped he would wake up though!! Now he sleeps through the music stopping and takes about a 30 min nap in his crib about once a day. Im sure he will get more comfortable with it and start sleeping longer like he does when someone is holding him. Once hes got the hang of taking naps in his crib then ill start putting him in there at night. Yesterday he took 2 naps in his crib!!

Hopefully once he is used to it he will keep his sleeping pattern or sleep longer. He was wasking up every 3 hours at night. Within the last week he started sleeping 5 hours then 3 hours so he only gets up once at night depending on when we go to sleep.

This was the first time i put him in his crib. I went to go get his clothes out of the dryer so i put him in there and he stayed in there for 20 min just looking at the fishies and listening to the music.

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