I Love You Korbyn Lee Hopwood

No one else will ever know the strength of my Love for you;
After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
-Love Mommy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Growing up too fast...

My lil man is growing up so fast! I can't believe he will be a month (4 weeks) on Thursday.
He is becoming so much more alert and loves to smile. The other day my mom was watching him while i took a shower and got ready...as soon as i went into the living room and he saw me he got the biggest cutest smile on his face and just kept smiling and watching me. My mom said that she can tell he looks at me differently then he looks at her so he definately recognizes me as his Mama!

On Monday morning we were both laying awake in my bed listening to David Archuleta's new CD and i was kind of rocking him in my arms like we were dancing and he laughed for the first time. He had made little noises before when he was smiling but this was a real laugh and sounded all giggly. It was the cutest little laugh i have ever heard in my whole life!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, he is so sweet and you are such a good mama... can't wait to see him again.. and remember.. auntie Ronda can babysit :)
