I Love You Korbyn Lee Hopwood

No one else will ever know the strength of my Love for you;
After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
-Love Mommy

Friday, January 30, 2009

Korbyn's 1st Cold

Wednesday night Korbyn and I went over to my friend Sheena's house to give her some baby clothes Korbyn has outgrown. Her best friend Heather was there too and they just had a blast meeting Korbyn for the first time and asking questions about giving birth and all the jazz. When we came back home Grandpa Jim noticed that Korbyn's heartbeat seemed a little faster then normal. I didnt think anything of it but the next morning he had a stuffy nose and was coughing. He had a mild temperature of 99.3 and i just chocked it up to his teething. As the day went on Korbyn got worse and worse so i made an appointment with Dr. Lane for today. Poor little guy could hardly breathe last night because his nose was so stuffy and his eyes were all glassy and red. His appointment wasnt until 3:30 this afternoon but he slept pretty much the whole day until then. He had a temp of 99.9 at 11:30 this morning so we gave him baby tylenol and he was fine until his appointment. Turns out he just has a virus that will go away on its own but we do have to put saline drops in the nose and suction out all the crud in his nose with the suction bulb and use a humidifier at night.

Being a new mommy i was expecting the worst and worried sick about him all night last night and all day before his appointment. Grandma Heidi was a little worried to because Bubba had RSV when he was around the same age as Korbyn and had to be in the hospital for a week. She came with to the appointment to make sure her baby was ok! Now we just have to wait it out until it goes away......poor baby!

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