I Love You Korbyn Lee Hopwood

No one else will ever know the strength of my Love for you;
After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
-Love Mommy

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bath Time

Korbyn LOVES taking a bath!!! Other then going for walks it is his favorite thing to do. I cant wait until i can take him swimming outside in the summer. For the last week or so he has been trying to turn over in the bath tub. I havent let him because i know he would end up putting his head down and sucking water up his nose! When he gets excited he smashes his face into the ground.
He is extremely Strong Willed and so this morning after practically fighting with him to keep him from turning over i just let him do it. He did a good job of keeping his head up out of the water but it did scare him a little bit when he first turned over.

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